Cadde Doctor Offices Bagdat Street Simsek Street Gungoren Apt. No:2 Flat:8 Kadıköy-Istanbul-Turkey
+90 553 910 91 39
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As an Ophthalmologist, Dr. Ayşe Dolar Bilge, I provide diagnosis and treatment services with my experienced team.

What is Under-Eye Light Filler?

It is a method we apply in cases of under eye bruising and hollowness called tear trough deformity in the lower eyelid. Contrary to popular belief, not every under eye bruising patient may be suitable for this treatment. In fact, it is similar to the fillers used in other areas of the face. However, the sensitive anatomical features of the eye area require the use of special products and techniques. It works wonders in suitable patients.

Who Can Undergo Seamless Lower Eyelid Aesthetics?

It is a surgery that we recommend especially for young patients. If the only problem of the patient is bags under the eyes and there are no accompanying problems such as sagging skin or eyelid laxity, the surgery is performed with a hidden incision made behind the eyelid, and no skin scars are left.

Will Pterygium Reoccur After Surgery?

This widespread belief about this surgery is not true. With current surgical methods, the risk of recurrence is close to zero with the surgical method we apply, which uses a thin membrane-shaped patch (autograft) taken from the surface of the person's own eye.

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